Nambucca Women’s Bowling Club

Women’s Triples Champions Margaret Dwarte, Eliza Brown and Ava Power.

A TEAM led by Margaret Dwarte and featuring Eliza Brown and Ava Power have been named as the new Nambucca Bowling Club Women’s Triples Champions.

Margaret, Eliza and Ava took out runners up Manor Smith, Elaine Fleming and Rosie Dugdale 18-15 in the decider.

“Eliza and Ava were extra excited as this was their first championship and title win for them – well done ladies,” said Nerida Blackford, Nambucca Bowls Club.

“Manor’s team were ahead for a while but then Margaret’s team turned it on and won a good match.”

In other news, on Thursday 23 November the Nambucca women bowlers will hold a Parkinson’s Day fundraiser, with men and women of the club playing together.

“If you’d like to drop down and give a donation to this worthy cause we’d be happy to add your money to our funds raised on the day,” Nerida said.

Last Tuesday, the Bowling Club celebrated Melbourne Cup day in style.

“Thanks to all those who dressed up and enjoyed the day at the Bowlo for Melbourne Cup Day.

“It was lovely to see so many people creating a great atmosphere for the day, enjoying a fabulous lunch cooked by Rhys and looked after by all our staff.

“It’s been very busy at the club, so if you’d like to have your Christmas function there, please book in now.”

Nambucca Bowls Results

Thursday morning social results:
Marg Duffus & Nerida Blackford def Chris Davis and Pat Fletcher 19-13.

Deb Mann (welcome back) and Teresa Meehan def Joan Haigh and Rosie Dugdale 18-14.

Marg Flagg, Tina Ryan and Elaine Fleming def Sandra Seckold, Karen Liddel and Marg Dwarte 19-13.


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