Grumpy’s Grumble: Nambucca Bowls

Ray Hunt and Maurie Roberts with John Hunt, who was presented with his Patron badge.

WELL it’s been a few weeks since you have had a report from the Grump but we have a doozy this week.

The Major singles started last Saturday with some upsets, while other games went the way people thought.

But first, a calcutta was run before the draw was done.

There were 39 entries, the most for quite a few years, and this shows the spirit that is in our club now.

There were 13 groups of three and a 1,000 was raised with ten percent going to Dementia Australia, our charity for this year.

Tas Fribbens payed in his first major but went down to Ty Webber 25-13.

The game of the round was The Riddler playing Urky.

Rhys hasn’t played much lately with family commitments and wasn’t really on his game and lost 25-18.

The Machine Curran accounted for Peter Dawe 25-17.

The EEL Harvey struck out 25-6 to Canadian Club Blackford.

Up and coming newbie Stuart Hughes beat Bended Elbow 25-9 – well done Stu,

D D Nancarrow, who went in to get a new knee last Tuesday, beat Doug Cedelland 25-23.

Second round games went this way.

Psycho Carr beat Ty Webber 25-12.

Urky and the Machine had a cracker of a game before the Machine won 25-22.

Stu couldn’t match Canadian Club, going down 25-6.

DD played newbie Dirk Winwood, winning 25-13.

The Whiz came up against Brendan Ruane, who is in fine form, and lost by 7.

Andrew Power met Goldie Horne and lost by 8.

The Good Brother Hunt beat Bill Mernick 25-21.

Darcy 25 beat Graham Power 13.

Grump got a forfeit from the Blessed Pope, not because he was in Rome but because he had Covid.

Joe Frank beat Gary Tierney, who was playing in his first Major, 25-14.

The Rock 25 beat Hoggy 5.

Red Dog beat another first timer, Ron Hill, 25-7.

Angry 25 beat Pete Meehan 11.

The Terminator Adam went down to Major Mino 25-17.

Owen Smith beat Oxy Cedelland 25 – 13 and finally Cosi got Mitch Mcgill.

A third round game was also played as both players will be missing this Saturday, playing in an arm tournament.

Bredon beat Goldie 25-21.

So check out some hot games tomorrow starting at 1.00 pm and on Sunday at 9.00am as we get down to the business end of the Majors.

Congrats to Joe Frank on reaching the semis of the Zone President’s Singles down at South West Rocks last Sunday.

Unfortunately Joe went down.

Fridays have had 60-odd bowlers for a few weeks now – great to see.

The list is on the board for the Parkinson’s Charity Day on 23 November – a great day is in store.

Mens Fours closed yesterday, it will be interesting to see the draw.

And last but not least The Pelican Pot of Gold, a new tournament being run, was on last week and I will bring you the results next week.

Well done to all our volunteers who give their time up to bring all these great events to you. Grump.

P.S Canadian Club beat DD Nancarrow 25 -11.


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