‘On the couch’ with Jasminda

DEAR Jasminda,

My friend phones me when he is on his commute home.

I feel as though he only wants to speak with me to make the time go more quickly.

Meanwhile, I have to stop what I’m doing to listen.

I can tell he’s driving because of all the background noise.

Dennis W.

Dear Dennis,

There are quite a few situations where phone calls can be irritating at best. When you receive a call, it’s important that both the caller and receiver give each other their undivided attention, otherwise things can get lost in translation.

Communicating effectively can be extremely difficult when one person is listening attentively and the other is navigating traffic and entering mobile reception black spots, all while trying to have a conversation.

I’d simply suggest to your friend that while you appreciate hearing from him, you can’t hear a lot of the conversation because of all the background noise.

Alternatively, the next time you chat, just hang up after five minutes and blame it on bad reception.

If he still doesn’t get the message, do household chores while he talks.

Great options include vacuuming, unpacking the dishwasher, or re-nailing the back deck.

At least that way you’re not wasting your time.

When he can’t hear you either, the shine will soon wear off and he’ll hopefully take up listening to podcasts or music instead.

Carpe diem,

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