Open Day at Tea Gardens Fire Station

Get on down to the Fire and Rescue Station on Saturday 30 May and learn about fire prevention and meet some of the locals who help keep us safe in times of emergency.

Glen Henry and Nathan Colver
Glen Henry and Nathan Colver

The station, located on Marine Drive near the swimming pool, will be open from 10.00am until 2.00pm with a range of activities such as firefighting demonstrations, station tours and fire safety presentations.

Children are welcome and will be able to get up close to fire engines and equipment.

Station Captain Jim Weismantel said, “With winter approaching, Open Day is a timely opportunity to talk to the experts about home fire safety.”

“Winter is the worst time of year for home fires, with about sixty percent of all house fires occurring in the cooler months
of May to September.”

Firefighters will also be able to provide advice on installing smoke alarms, changing smoke alarm batteries and preparing a
home fire escape plan.

“Head over to Tea Gardens Fire Station on Open Day and talk to our firefighters face-toface about simple safety tips you can use to ensure you and your family escape a fire quickly and safely,” Captain Weismantel said.

So take an hour or so to get some great information and make sure you and your family are ‘Fire Ready’.

Captain Wiesmantel added, “Go to to see how your home rates in a safety audit. This audit will help you to identify risks and assess home fire awareness.”

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