Our Water Our Future Strategy MidCoast water

Do you have something to say about water and what it means for you? MidCoast Water wants to hear from you.

As part of a review of their 30 year rolling plan for managing water resources, called the Our Water Our Future Strategy, they want to hear from the community about the important issues.

While the organisation’s strategic planners are identifying the issues facing water provision now and into the future an important part of the process is hearing from members of the community about what they feel is important so all issues are considered.

So, how do you value water? It is often taken for granted, yet we cannot live without it.

MidCoast Water is encouraging members of the community to join the conversation by becoming an ‘Our Water, Our Future’ correspondent.

By signing up to be a correspondent you will be kept up to date with the organisation’s progress and your opinion will be sought on various aspects of the plan.

Signing up is easy – just go to www.midcoastwater.com.au/ourwaterourfuture

You can also share your thoughts on what you think is important for water in this region, and what you value about it.

“We know these are very broad questions – and we will be asking more specific questions later in the process,” acting general manager Brendan Guiney explained.

However at this point we really want to hear from the community about how they feel, what they want to protect, things they feel we need to find solutions to or ideas they have for change.”

The specific questions will be asked as the review process continues into stage two and three, in which MidCoast Water will look at how the most important issues can be overcome and how the most feasible and desirable actions can be put together to outline a strategy for the future.

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