Surprise Award for Meals on Wheels Hawks Nest Volunteer

VOLUNTEER AWARD: Yvonne O’Donnell and Kate Washington.
VOLUNTEER AWARD: Yvonne O’Donnell and Kate Washington.


DID you know the definition of volunteering has been expanded for the first time in 20 years to recognise the new ways Australians give their time.

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The definition states, ‘Volunteering is time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain’.

Yvonne O’Donnell is the epitome of a volunteer who goes above and beyond.

Last week, Yvonne was invited to a lunch at the Meals On Wheels Headquarters in Hawks Nest, but little did she know that she was the reason for the special get together.

Yvonne was presented with the 2018 Port Stephens Local Achievement Award for her dedication to the local community including her many years of service with Meals On Wheels.

‘It’s lovely, but I don’t do volunteer work to get accolades, I do it because it gets me out of the house and you meet so many people,” Yvonne said.

“Yvonne cooks for us, she delivers for us, she’s amazing,” Dan Holmes told News Of The Area.

Along with her years of service for Meals On Wheels, Yvonne is member of the Red Cross, spends a day a week with a dementia support group, helps out with breakfast at the Tea Gardens Primary School and in her spare time at the weekend she’s a Knight’s Nanna.

“We’re just a group of widows who love their footie.”

Yvonne is such a keen supporter of the Knights Rugby League team she’s even travelled by train to Melbourne to see her much loved Newcastle side.

Along with Yvonne the other volunteers at Meals On Wheels in Hawks Nest, cook and deliver around 1,200 meals every month to clients in an area from Bulahdelah to Karuah and all points in between.

Every meal is designed to be nutritious, delicious and comes with a smile to a client that may not see anyone else in their day.

Volunteers are always needed at Meals on Wheels so if you can spare some time call 4997 0800, and there is someone in the office behind the Hawks Nest Community Centre every day but Tuesday between the hours of 8.30am and 2.30pm.


By: Margie TIERNEY


MEALS ON WHEELS HAWKS NEST: Kate Washington MP with Emilie Tseronis, Dan Holmes and Peter Roberts.
MEALS ON WHEELS HAWKS NEST: Kate Washington MP with Emilie Tseronis, Dan Holmes and Peter Roberts.

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