Tanilba Public School competes in Relay For Life

‘The Shake your Teal Feather’ team crosses the finishing line.
‘The Shake your Teal Feather’ team crosses the finishing line.


TANILBA Bay Public School has gone teal in support of one of their favourite teachers, Annie Burr, who is currently fighting Cancer.

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A group of passionate supporter took part in the recent Relay For Life event, in support of their dear friend.

The school canteen manager, Robyn McDermott, led the charge, spurred on by her long history with Relay For Life, having first been involved 16 years ago, after the passing of her father.

Robyn told News Of The Area, “When we found out about Annie’s illness this year, we were devastated, but after denial, tears and more tears, a few of us decided this would be our golden opportunity to do something positive for her.”

“Knowing that Newcastle Relay For Life was coming up, and that the Cancer Council was her favourite charity, we then formed the team ‘Shake Your Teal Feather’ to participate in the event.”

“Teal is the ovarian cancer ribbon colour, and Annie has been known to “shake it” out on the dance floor before with a dance-a-thon to raise money for the underprivileged at her local church hal – She is a gem and a girl of many talents,” she said.

Tanilba Public School put together a small but committed group of staff, and long time friends and clocked up over 100 kilometres of walking during the event, in 40 degree heat.

Annie joined the team after lunch with her sisters Felicity and Dom and other family, completing a special lap with her friends and colleagues.

Robyn said, “We formed our team to not only honour our nearest and dearest who have lost their battle to cancer, we walked to show our unity and support to the most inspirational,positive, beautiful, caring woman that we have been blessed to know.”

“To have Annie, Felicity, Dom and lots of Annie’s adorable supportive family at Relay – especially for the Survivors and Carers lap of Honour- was truly amazing.”

“It was ‘one of those moments’ where it touched us all, with not a dry eye to be seen.”

“Those were tears of pride, we salute you Annie and are proud to be part of your journey,” she said.


By Rachael VAUGHAN


Annie the superhero with some extra heroes.
Annie the superhero with some extra heroes.

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