Transport for NSW celebrates completion of Coffs Harbour Marine Precinct

The 10,000 litre unleaded petrol, vessel-accessible refuelling facility is now operational for public, commercial and government agency use for vessels up to twelve metres in length.

THE transformation of Coffs Harbour Marine Precinct is now complete, with Transport for NSW announcing construction has finished on the Vessel Refuelling Facility.

The 10,000 litre unleaded petrol, vessel-accessible refuelling facility is now operational for public, commercial and government agency use for vessels up to twelve metres in length.

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Transport for NSW has been working to upgrade infrastructure at the marine precinct for the past four years.

The completed Coffs Harbour Marine Precinct also includes a new boat maintenance facility, including a 75-tonne travel lift.

Existing agency buildings have been refurbished, and the government agency marina has been expanded.

NSW Maritime Executive Director Mark Hutchings said the upgrade is a huge boost for the local community.

“The completion of the Vessel Refuelling Facility marks the end of a four-year upgrade project to deliver modern, safe boating facilities to the people of Coffs Harbour,” said Mr Hutchings.

“Coffs Harbour now has a state-of-the-art vessel refuelling facility, a fantastic new boat maintenance facility, a world-class boat ramp, and better infrastructure at the marina.

“These improvements to maritime infrastructure are a big upgrade for local boaters, but they’re also crucial to ensure our staff can provide timely safety and marine-related services.

“Better maritime infrastructure also benefits the greater Coffs Harbour community by attracting boaters all up and down the coast to this fantastic harbour.”

The completion of the marine precinct follows the opening of the upgraded boat ramp and facilities, which features a more spacious car park, new toilet block, upgraded cleaning tables, and a shared path for pedestrians and cyclists.

City of Coffs Harbour Council is now responsible for the ongoing management of the landside boat ramp facilities, while Transport for NSW will continue management waterside.

The Vessel Refuelling Facility will be operated by the current operator of the adjacent Boat Maintenance Facility, GC Boatyards.

The 10,000 litre unleaded petrol, vessel-accessible refuelling facility is now operational for public, commercial and government agency use for vessels up to twelve metres in length.

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