$25.2M Port Stephens Council announce sends Public Opinion to ask questions



Dear News Of The Area,

I AM not surprised that our Mayor, General Manager and Councillors are now proud to inform us that they have found a “hollow log” full of money to the tune of $25.2 million (News Of The Area, 8/11/18) – Considering the 7.5% + CPI rate increases over 7 years (to remain indefinitely).

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Well, isn’t that a coincidence, especially after having just voted for the 10% p.a. increases over 7 years in perpetuity, whether we can afford it or not.

This $25.2 million is one quarter of what Council have wanted us to pay, i.e. $100 million.

Council is ‘Fit for the Future’ with over $100 million of cash, airport, land and buildings assets.

I would now suggest that our Council could be worth up to $150 million with all these assets.

The Hardship Policy is yet to be looked at by Councillors. This policy allows Council rates debts on private properties to accumulate with interest, and remain on that property until sold by family members. Nothing more to look at as this is how Council debts work.

Brian Watson-Will,

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