2500 Boots at Parliament House

Founder of the Zero Suicide Community Awareness Program, Paul Withall, is passionate about lowering the rates of mens suicide.

SEVEN men every day, 2500 every year, take their lives through suicide in Australia with many more attempts being unsuccessful.

According to Beyond Blue, the number of men who die by suicide in Australia is nearly double the national road toll.

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This week News Of The Area spoke to Paul Withall from the Zero Suicide Community Awareness Program.

“Suicide should not be a taboo topic, the high number of deaths isn’t just because of mental health, often the high number is a direct result of situational suicide, there is a difference,” Mr Withall said.

“These mens’ deaths are often the result of family relationship breakdown, family court, lack of access to their children, loss of jobs and not enough support services for men,” Mr Withall continued.

The team at Zero Suicide are taking a gendered approach, endeavouring to reduce the suicide rate in Australia by addressing these concerns at a Parliamentary Level.

With this in mind, community members are invited to a memorial event called ‘2500 Boots On the Lawn at Parliament House’ on Monday, November 21 at 11 am.

2500 boots will be laid out on the lawns of Parliament House to remember the men who die by suicide every year.

Guest speakers and politicians attending the event are uniting to call for a Minister for Men to be established.

If members of the community would like to donate a pair of boots or shoes to represent a loved one or would like his name included in this memorial event please call Jewell Drury on 0402 214 754.

If you are feeling in despair, please reach out to someone for help.

Help is available 24 hours a day at Lifeline Australia by calling 131114.

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