331SQN Air Force Cadets come together on Remembrance Day

CSGT Keating, CCPL Wilde, CSGT Markwort, WGCDR(Ret’d) Bennetts, CSGT White, CCPL Reid and CCPL Alford.


COFFS Harbour’s 331SQN Air Force Cadets recently returned from ‘Operational Pause’ following COVID-19 restrictions which also include at this time, the inability to attend public ceremonies.

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As a result, Senior Cadets were quick to organise their own Squadron Ceremony at Home Parade to ensure Remembrance Day was given the appropriate acknowledgement.

At the Ceremony, Cadet Corporal (CCPL) Daniel Alford provided a commentary regarding the significance of Remembrance Day, the Armistice which ended World War 1 in 1918, noting the casualties on both sides of all conflicts.

Invited guest, retired Wing Commander Pete Bennetts, President of the Coffs Harbour RAAF Association, accompanied by Mrs Wendy Bennetts, provided an inspiring address to Cadets regarding the importance of belonging to a group, reflecting on the mateship of those Australians who, without question came together to fight for our freedom.

“It is so essential to ensure Ceremonies such as this 102nd anniversary of Remembrance Day remain relevant and stand the test of time, that we remain grateful for past sacrifice and acknowledge how fortunate we are,” said CCPL Alford.

CCPL Alford also acknowledged members of the Catafalque Party who, with no prior experience stepped up to participate and Cadet Sergeant (CSGT) Emily White for her role as Guard Commander.

Coffs Harbour’s Air Force Cadets is recruiting for 2021 – enquiries to Commanding Officer, Flight Lieutenant Deborah Hoiles on 0411 493 458.


By Deborah HOILES, 331SQN Australian Air Force Cadets.

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