Alison Watson on Importance of Responsible Animal Ownership

Alison Watson, with one of her dogs, Karma Photo by Rachael Vaughan
Alison Watson, with one of her dogs, Karma Photo by Rachael Vaughan


MEDOWIE Vet Nurse, Alison Watson, knows the importance of responsible pet ownership being the owner of four dogs, four cats, two ducks, two lorikeets, a rooster and a handful of chickens.

Alison is a Vet Nurse at Noah’s Ark Veterinary Clinic, and met with News Of The Area to discuss some important things to remember for your pets, coming into spring.

Alison told News Of The Area, “Responsible pet ownership is so important – not just looking after your pet when they’re sick, but using simple, cost effective, preventative measures to keep them safe and well.”

Desexing your pet is incredibly important as it can help stop male animals wandering and of course unwanted litters of animals.

Pensioners and concession holders can even receive discounted rates via the National Desexing network website.

Registering and microchipping your pets is not only is it legally compulsory to be once of micro chipped and registered with council, but can help you to be rehomed quickly with your local animal.

Make sure to keep your details updated on their microchip and registration, not just moving house, but with changes in Mobile phone numbers also. An often overlooked task when people get new mobile numbers.

Look at your yard perimeter and any ways your pet can escape if upset by storms, fireworks or jets.

Make sure fences are secure, no loose panels or boards, and gates can’t be easily unlocked and open.

Book your pet in for their yearly health checks and vaccinations.

“Vets will check all the lumps and bumps, update vaccinations and give a dental exam. This month coincidentally is dental month at Noah’s Ark – Free dental checks in the clinic for the month of August,” Ms Watson said.

“With flea and tick treatment,  you can choose to either treat your animals monthly or every three months.”

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Nexguard is a great product for monthly applications and works against both fleas and ticks.

“Bravecto also attacks both fleas and ticks but can be done every three months,” she said.

Making sure to keep up with these treatments to ensure the cycle of fleas and ticks in your yard is kept down. Fleas can be annoying, but ticks can be deadly to all animals.

Keep up with the training of your animal too. Enrol new pets in puppy training, and try taking your dog to the local fenced off-leash area to help build their confidence and social skills.


By Rachael VAUGHAN

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