Anna Bay 7 Day Makeover Activation of Whole Business Precinct Needed

Tomaree Business Chamber President Leah Anderson with Anna Bay local Kelly Hammond working on the next step for the 7 Day Makeover for the township and building on the destination. Photo by Marian Sampson.


THE 7 Day Makeover is far from over for Anna Bay with money still in the kitty and work to be done.

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Tomaree Business Chamber President Leah Anderson has strong ideas on what needs to happen next and is keen to keep the momentum for not only Anna Bay but other areas in Port Stephens.

Equally passionate about the project and seeing the momentum continue is Kelly Hammond.

Kelly was on the team from day one and is keen to see Hannah Reserve shine as one of the highlights for the project.

However she believes that the “other” end of town still needs attention.

The makeover hasn’t reached both ends of the business precinct and she believes that this is a natural progression, particularly when some of the businesses that contributed funds aren’t really reaping the rewards as yet.

Leah Anderson told News Of The Area, “Chamber is now looking at ways to get people into Anna Bay retail businesses with their wallets open and ready to spend.

“We are also keen to see the rest of the funds spent on activating the whole business precinct.”

Anderson was one of the key instigators of the makeover taking the proposal to Council which was ultimately adopted, it’s something that she is very proud of.

“Chamber wanted to do things in our different precincts and being able to lobby to have this 7 Day Makeover adopted and funded by Council is a huge achievement for us as an organisation.

“We did the one day working bee in Nelson Bay and now the town is looking so much better, the work at Anna Bay was of course so much more and the results are fantastic, however activating the whole town is really our next goal.”

The 7 Day Makeover team are considering options for the next projects which Hammond and Anderson hope to see being driven by community wants and needs.

“The stronger the retail precinct, the better Anna Bay will be as a place to live work and play,” she said.

Hammond says there are people that are watering plants before the sunrises, but knows there is more to do like organising mowing and weeding of the sidewalks.

There were plans for Hannah Reserve for Clean Up Australia Day however the current mosquito numbers have put this on hold.



One thought on “Anna Bay 7 Day Makeover Activation of Whole Business Precinct Needed

  1. Hi we definitely cleaned up Hannah Reserve on clean up Australia Day. Mozzies didn’t hold us back.

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