Bello RFS calls for more volunteers at Get Ready day

Deputy Captain Graham Francis, Di Cork, Senior Deputy Captain Simon Borgert and Amy Rosa engaging with the Bello community during its Get Ready day on Saturday 17 September.

SETTING up for success in the centre of town, North Bellingen Rural Fire Brigade teamed up with Bellingen Fire and Rescue for a big Get Ready day on Saturday 17 September.

North Bellingen Captain Kev Doye explained that this wet year is the ideal time to get ready for fire.

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“Three years of good growth as a result of La Nina means that we have high fuel levels in the bush and in the paddocks,” Kev told News Of The Area.

“This is not so much of a problem when it is wet, but every La Nina has been followed by an El Nino, which means that at some point we will see that fuel drying out and the risk of substantial fires increasing once again.

“Current models indicate that this could be as soon as later next year,” he warned.

“That might seem like a long way off, but we are still likely to see some fire this season, and this cooler spell is the ideal time to get to work preparing your home and the area around your home for fire.

“We have a lot of houses in the bush and in the urban/bush interface across our area, and these homes are at particular threat when the weather dries out and warms up once again.

“We urge all households, in town or in the bush, to make sure they have an up-to-date bushfire plan, as well as an understanding of the new bushfire rating system that has just gone live.”

With a call out for new volunteers, Captain Doye emphasised the role the community has to play in supporting their local brigades.

“Rural Fire Brigades are wholly run by volunteers.

“We’ll always be there when our community needs us, but to do that we need community members to come on board and join their local brigade.”

The training involved to be an RFS volunteer offers nationally recognised qualifications and there are no fees.

“You get the opportunity to work in a friendly and supportive team environment, and we have roles for everyone.

“You don’t need to be holding a hose to be a part of your local brigade, and you only respond when time allows,” said Kev.

Anyone interested in joining up please have a look online at or contact your local brigade.

Phone the local Fire Control Centre in Coffs Harbour on (02) 6651 6133 for more information.


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