Bulahdelah Bowling Club bids farewell to familiar face

Allan Freihaut, Secretary/Manager at the Bulahdelah Bowling Club, pours one last drink.

BULAHDELAH Bowling Club’s long-standing Secretary/Manager Allan Freihaut has retired from the business after eleven years of service.

After working in the Great Lakes tourism industry for twelve years, the opportunity has come to work closer to home.

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Mr Freihaut has led the Club, alongside the board, through a period of significant growth in challenging economic times.

“It was somewhat of a struggle, particularly during and after COVID,” said Mr Freihaut.

“I’ve seen some great growth in the last few years and I wish for the club’s continued success into the future.”

Facing the general decline of lawn bowls as a sport, Allan considered creative approaches to ensure the club survived and thrived.

The major change in his time was the departure of the road workers who had been working on the Bulahdelah bypass, a group who contributed significantly to the club’s finances.

In their absence it was a matter of restructuring the business and finding new opportunities.

The arrival of grey nomads has provided a significant economic advantage in the last few years, with many travellers using Bulahdelah as a base from which to sample what the region has to offer.

In addition the establishment of the Return and Earn scheme has added value to the club, as has the leasing of the restaurant.

In his retirement Allan plans to do a bit more fishing, play music and do a few things around the house.

The board and members wish him all the best for the future.


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