Bulahdelah Central School recently at the Port Stephens Primary Zone Swimming Carnival, held at Tomaree Aquatic Centre

Chilali Baggins-Cupitt (Year 6).


FIVE students represented Bulahdelah Central School recently at the Port Stephens Primary Zone Swimming Carnival, held at Tomaree Aquatic Centre.

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Up against hundreds of competitors from 23 schools across the area, the Students swam exceptionally well and recorded some very competitive times.

Year 6 student Chilali Baggins-Cupitt had a brilliant swim in the 50 metres breaststroke and qualified for the Hunter Regional Carnival to be held at the Lambton Pool in Newcastle.

Chilali, along with fellow competitors Lasey Baggins-Cupitt, Indie Hope, Mia Hope and Delilah Newlin, were selected in the Zone Team after swimming qualifying times at the School carnival.

They are to be commended on their positive sportsmanship and outstanding participation throughout the day.

Year 6 competitor Mia Hope said, “It was a great experience to swim in the competitive races against lots of people from different schools. This level of competition has helped me improve my abilities and confidence in the pool.”

Meanwhile, the Secondary Zone Swimming Carnival was held at Taree.

The following students represented the school.

12 Years: Bella Taylor (100m breaststroke, 100m freestyle and 50m freestyle). Her 50m time was 7 seconds faster than at the school carnival.

13 Years: Corey Cunningham (100m freestyle, 50m freestyle). Braiden Dvorick (100m breaststroke, 100m freestyle).
Josie Morgan (100m freestyle, 100m backstroke)

15 Years: Maggie Cunich (100m freestyle, 50m freestyle). Dylan Brownbill (100m freestyle, 100m backstroke, 50m freestyle). Dylan came 3rd in the 50m freestyle only 0.4 secs behind the winner. His time was outstanding and would have won the 17years event.

Robert McCann – Sports Co-ordinator said, “Congratulations to all these students for their efforts and behaviour and thank you to the parents who assisted with transport and managerial duties.”


Mia Hope, Delilah Newlin, Chilali Baggins-Cupitt, Lacey, Baggins-Cupitt, Indie Hope.


Braidon Dvorick, (Year 8), Dylan Brownbill (Year 9), Corey Cunningham (Year 7), Maggie Cunich (Year 9), Josie Morgan (Year 7), Bella Taylor (Year 7).

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