Bulahdelah Golf Club

WEDNESDAY 31 August was a beautiful Spring day, and the ladies played another catch up Monthly Mug.

The winner was B.Newton with 76 net from T-L.Smith with 77 net.

No NTP, so the Jackpot will carry over again.

The Vets played a Monthly Mug on 1 September and 21 players enjoyed the sunshine (even though the course was still very heavy).

D.Schoonhoven was the winner with 67 net from J.Parnell with 69 net.

R.Winter was third.

NTPs: J.Mitchell, R.Norberry and R.Winter.

Thanks to Barry Bros Butchery and Old Inn Rd Winery for their sponsorship of the day and the raffle.

No golf on Saturday 3 September as the day was wet and wild.

By Thora-Lou SMITH

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