Bulahdelah Scouts get ready for Cuboree at Cataract Scout Park in Sydney

The Bulahdelah Cub Scout Pack will be out and about during the next few months raising funds for Cuboree, a week long camp to be held at Cataract Scout Park in Sydney.

Bulahdelah Scout
Bulahdelah Cub Scout Leaders David Mort, Teressa Mort, Nicky Hammerl and Andrew Garemyn

With plans for car washes and raffles, the Cubs are hoping to raise enough funds for the entire group to attend.

Expecting to attract over 3000 NSW Cubs, Cuboree is only held once every three years.

Group Leader Mr David Mort, said the Bulahdelah Cub Scout Pack meet weekly to participate in activities which will not only prepare them for the camp, but also counts towards their badges.

“The activities relate to a theme, and we are focusing on Earth this term with clay modelling and gardening nights planned,” he said.

“We also do a theme around fire in winter, and we have a water theme that has lots of activities on the river, including swimming, fishing and raft building.”

Currently with a dozen members, David said they would like to see more children join to enable them to expand the program. “We are looking at building numbers and would like to see the group get to about 25 Cubs,” he said.

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“This will give us a good basis to progress to a Scout Group for young people aged 11-15 years.”

David, along with his wife Teressa, bring a wealth of experience to the group having been Venture Leaders in Sydney for 25 years.

Joined by leaders Andrew Garemyn and Nicky Hammerl, who started the current Cub Pack three years ago, ensure the group has lots of fun with plenty of adventures and new experiences.

With Cubs and Scouts running in Bulahdelah on and off for the past 50 years, the leaders hope that membership will grow to ensure the continuation of the worthwhile program.

Enquiries regarding the Bulahdelah Cub Scout Group can be made at the Scout Hall in Stroud Street on Monday nights between 6-7.30pm.


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