Cartoon Gallery hosts top cartooning awards night

NSW Arts Minister Ben Franklin, who flew to Coffs to open the finale of the Rotary National Cartooning Competition, one of the biggest events in the Australian cartooning calendar, at the National Cartoon Gallery in Coffs Harbour.

THE National Cartoon Gallery in Coffs Harbour hosted two of the biggest events in the Australian cartooning calendar last weekend, Friday 18 and Saturday 19 November.

On Friday night, the winners of the Rotary National Cartooning Competition were announced at a large gathering of cartoonists and interested residents.

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“This is the biggest and oldest cartooning competition in Australia, now being in its thirty fourth year, and is organised by the National Cartoon Gallery staff,” Cartoon Gallery Chairman Paul McKeon told News Of The Area.

The event was opened by NSW Arts Minister Ben Franklin, who flew to Coffs for the event.

The winner of the major award, Cartoon of the Year, was won by Melbourne artist Rod Emerson, for his cartoon about Shane Warne and Rod Marsh titled ‘In good hands’.

On Saturday, the Australian Cartoonists Association opened its Annual Conference, which was held in Coffs Harbour for the first time.

It’s normally staged in various capital cities.

It was attended by cartoonists from all over Australia and they held their gala dinner and Stanley Awards at the National Cartoon Gallery.

Canberra artist David Pope won the major award.

“To round off the weekend, the National Cartoon Gallery was also featured on national television, as the cartooning segment of the ABC’s Sunday ‘Insiders’ program was filmed inside the gallery,” said a proud Paul.


The winner of the major award, Cartoon of the Year, was won by Melbourne artist Rod Emerson, for his cartoon about Shane Warne and Rod Marsh titled ‘In good hands’.

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