Celebrating the diversity of carers and sharing support resources

A busy schedule of events, activities and support resources shared during National Carers Week.


NATIONAL Carers Week, dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating carers in Australia, held a busy schedule of online events covering education and support and culminating with the pure enjoyment of a music performance with Matt Boylan-Smith on Friday 16 October.

“Carers are doing it tough through COVID times,” Elena Katrakis, CEO of Carers NSW, told News Of The Area.

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“Our online events focused on health and wellbeing.

“A precursor to Carers Week was our one-day online conference which focused on The Secret Life of Carers.

“We looked at the diversity of carers, carers experience through COVID and the challenges experienced when carers balance informal care and paid employment.”

The conference also showcased new and innovative initiatives in policy, programs and practice in meeting the needs of carers in NSW.

Delegates were provided an opportunity to connect virtually and share the latest research, information, and best practice in carer support in evolving and changing times.

“On Wednesday 13 October, we saw the launch of the landing page to the Carer Knowledge Exchange.”

The Exchange is a three-year partnership between Carers NSW and the Institute for Public Policy and Governance at UTS.

With funding from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, the Exchange aims to connect research to practice in order to improve outcomes for carers.

The digital platform is designed to be accessible and provides a searchable database containing carer research and other practice-based documents and guidelines.

“It’s about translating research into practice and it will feature a digital platform; educational and networking events, and collaboration opportunities,” said Elena.

“During the week we also ran some funded in-person small local activities with more happening before the end of the year.”

Carers in Coffs Harbour were invited to a Carer Gateway (support service) ‘coffee on us’ information morning at the Coffs Botanic Gardens.

Other face-to-face-events were held in Moree, Grafton and Tamworth.

“The team was giving out information on where carers can get support.

“We gave away a goodie bag, resources and treats.”

“Carers on the Central Coast and other locations in lockdown who registered for an event received a care pack.”

There are over 2.65 million informal family and friend carers in Australia providing care and support to a loved one who has a disability, mental illness, alcohol or drug dependency, long term health condition or who is frail due to age.



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