Christmas In July For Was celebrated by the Probus Club Of Port Stephens

Enjoying the Christmas In July celebrations were Port Stephens Probus Club members Barb Robin, Val S-Sun, Brenda Gtray, and Cathy Lindsay.

FOR those who love the festive season, getting dressed up for Christmas needs to come around more than just once a year.

Members of The Probus Club of Port Stephens enjoyed Christmas in July with a river cruise lunch on a sunny winter’s day.

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The group left the Port Stephens coach depot at 9.30am with everybody in high spirits and dressed in their Christmas finery arriving at the redeveloped Newcastle wharf side for a welcome coffee.

Ann GIbson told News Of The Area, “We soon boarded the Nova Cruise party boat standing by for the trip along the Hunter River.”

The group reflected on Newcastle’s rapidly-changing appearance into one of a modern city.

Some of those on the cruise grew up, lived and worked in Newcastle during the days of heavy industry and a polluted atmosphere.

“These grey shadows of history are now disappearing and hidden by modernisation,” said Ann.

“The crew soon had the galley and the bar working at full throttle, and Christmas lunch was served, with crackers being pulled and party hats for everyone.

“Steve and his guitar entertained throughout the meal and the motion of the boat through the water gave everybody the enthusiasm for a rendition of Christmas carols,” said Ann.

“A challenging quiz followed, to test the knowledge you thought you had, but realised you’d left at home.”

The crew joined in and there were prizes and goodie packets for everyone.

While the boat turned around and headed back to Newcastle, several people went up on deck to take in a long-awaited warm, sunny afternoon, and an appreciation of another day out with Probus.

Visitors are more than welcome to enjoy the activities and outings of the Probus Club of Port Stephens that meets at the Nelson Bay Bowling Club on the second Thursday of the month at 10.30am.

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Getting into the festive spirit were Paul Vona, Brenda and Jim Davie, Tony van Dorst, and Candy Vona.

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