Claim a discount on compost bins

MidCoast Council has joined the ‘Compost Revolution’ to provide you with discounts on compost bins, worm farms and Bokashi bins.

CELEBRATE International Compost Awareness Week (7 to 13 May) by starting your own compost at home.

“Composting is good for the environment because it reduces the amount of organic matter that ends up in landfill,” said MidCoast Council’s Waste Manager, David Rees.

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“Food and garden scraps that end up in landfill contribute to greenhouse gas emissions through the production of methane gas.

“Composting is an easy way that we can all make a difference to better help the environment.”

Composting your food and garden scraps at home can also improve the quality of your soil, save you money on expensive fertilisers and make your kitchen bin smell fresher.

All types of organic waste can go into your compost.

This includes fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, lawn clippings, and garden materials.

MidCoast Council has joined the ‘Compost Revolution’ to provide you with discounts on compost bins, worm farms and Bokashi bins.

You can also complete free tutorials about compost.

Compost can go onto garden beds and lawns to help produce better crops and flowers.

Join the social media trend of gifting loved ones harvest baskets from your own gardens.

If you don’t have a garden, you can contribute to a community garden compost hub.

You can also join ShareWaste at

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