Coffs Harbour Master Swimmers break club records at Forster

Jodie Gordon, Jamie Marschke and Paul Edwards, Coffs Harbour Masters Swimming Club members who competed in the Forster Escape carnival.

CLUB records and wins were earned by the three members from the Coffs Harbour Masters Swimming Club who competed in the Forster Escape carnival on Saturday 20 August.

Paul Edwards, Jodie Gordon and Jamie Marschke held their own against local and Sydney clubs to finish fourth on the point score.

The team also took out the medley relay and had a photo finish for second in the twelve-person freestyle relay, joining with other clubs.

The swimmers said the carnival was a good hit out for the club members in their preparation for the Pan Pacific Games in November on the Gold Coast.

“Good personal swims were had by all three members who finished in the top two for all the races entered,” said Coffs Harbour Masters Swimming Club member and competitor Jamie Marschke.

“Club records were also broken on the day.”

This was the first carnival back after four years for Jamie with Paul and Jodie having already competed at carnivals in Sydney and Brisbane.

“All swimmers came away with smiles having blown the cobwebs out after a big gap in competition,” said Jamie.

The Coffs Harbour Masters welcome anyone of any swimming ability to join in with their local swims and social events.

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