Community Conversations tackle local issues across MidCoast LGA

Community Conversations are a chance to listen and share.

‘COMMUNITY Conversations’ have been held over the last few weeks across our local government area (LGA), giving MidCoast Council the opportunity to share with the community its overall strategic direction.

Community members have also been provided the opportunity to raise local concerns and issues important to them.

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The events are an important opportunity to have a two-way conversation so both parties gain a better understanding of what is happening across the LGA.

“It’s about listening to the community,’ said MidCoast Council Deputy Mayor Alan Tickle.

“We are out there listening to your concerns and pledge to get out and listen.”

Of particular concern across the LGA has been the condition of roads after more than two years of adverse weather conditions.

Current issues such as housing affordability, the impacts of flooding, service expectations and the general performance of Council were raised at the meetings.

Each area of Council must operate within a budget, strategic directions and policies.

Given financial restraints it is often difficult to allocate resources to alleviate all necessary issues.

The presentations by the Council emphasised the need for responsible planning and financial considerations.

“These conversations have been going great for both the Council and the community” MidCoast Council Mayor Claire Pontin told NOTA.

“The more we get out to communities, the better people understand the information we have to share.”

Many of these initiatives are open to a public consultation process where opinions of the community are taken into account before any final drafting of policy.

These are available on the Council’s website.

Further Community Conversations are planned over the next few months.


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