Community feedback sought on Draft Northern Beaches Flood Study

A DRAFT Flood Study of the coastal catchments of Corindi River, Arrawarra Creek, Darkum Creek, Willis Creek, Double Crossing Creek (Hearnes Lake) and Fiddamans Creek – the northern part of the City of Coffs Harbour local government area (LGA) – is going out for community feedback from 5 May until 2 June 2023.

The draft Northern LGA Flood Study provides a number of new flood models that incorporate the latest available modelling, technology and data.

“During the development of the study, there was a significant flood event within the Corindi River and Arrawarra Creek catchments in February 2021,” said Chris Chapman, Director Sustainable Communities.

“This event had a very significant impact on residents and local horticulture businesses, but it did also provide valuable flood data that we were able to compare with the study’s flood models.

“This showed that the new flood models developed for the Corindi River and Arrawarra Creek – aligns closely to what was observed during the event.”

As the draft Northern LGA Flood Study covers a number of areas not previously modelled, or the flood information came from older flood studies, it is expected that additional properties will now be included in the updated draft flood mapping layers.

The draft Flood Study is the first stage in the floodplain management process.

Its goal is to provide detailed mapping so that the City will have an even better understanding of potential flood risks to assist with future development, planning, community education and mitigation works.

In order to progress to the next stage of the process – the draft Floodplain Risk Management Study – external funding will need to be sought from the State and Federal governments.

The draft Northern LGA Flood Study can be viewed, and submissions made, via the City of Coffs Harbour’s Have Your Say website at

Submissions are open from 5 May until 2 June 2023.

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