Computers Donated by P&C for Classrooms at Tomaree Public School

Student’s from Class S1A Emily Watson and Pene Bass with one of the new computers.


BEING computer literate is more important now than ever before.

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The students in Stage 1 at Tomaree Public School have received a welcome boost to their ability to be computer literate through the schools Parents and Citizens Association (P&C).

There are 4 Stage 1 classes at Tomaree Public School.

A total of $1200 was raised by the school P&C through a school disco.

Fortunately the disco was held earlier in the year, just before Covid-19 restrictions were introduced.

This supported funds that the P&C were successful in obtaining through a grant program.

Donna Abraham, Assistant Principal of Tomaree Public School, told News Of The Area, “Computing is an essential skill for all children to learn, and an important part of the curriculum.

“The regular use of computers in a classroom setting is vital in helping young learners to understand the digital world around them.

“As life-long learners the students and staff learn together to consolidate a variety of essential skills to set themselves up for the constantly changing world they live in.

“The increased level of student engagement is evident in classrooms where technology is used as a tool to assist learning and develop a child’s love of learning,” she said.

A spokesperson for the P&C said, “It’s been a challenging year for the P&C with fundraising amidst the Covid-19 restrictions we have faced, but we are excited to have been able to help deliver this important learning tool to the school students.

“It opens the door for teachers to use a range of online tools and resources within their teaching program, which the children will love.

“The P&C look forward to building on this initial purchase for Stage 1 students and contributing further to the laptop accessibility for all stages across the school.”

The computers will be a great asset to the students future learning.



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