Council debates plans for Camden Head reserve management

Locals have long expressed concerns about the level of maintenance at the Camden Head Lookout Reserve. Photo: Port Macquarie Hastings Council.

THE future of the management of Camden Head Lookout Reserve, a topic of long-standing debate within the community and Port Macquarie Hastings Council, was discussed again at the May ordinary Council meeting.

For the past five years, locals have expressed concerns about the level of maintenance at the Camden Head Lookout Reserve, located between Pilot Beach Road, Camden Head Road and Bergalia Crescent.

There have also been calls to establish a ‘Friends of Camden Head’ volunteer group to help maintain the space.

Over the past year, staff have investigated various options for the site and engaged with the community.

A total of 146 survey responses were submitted, revealing mixed opinions due to differing views on the area’s management and a lack of clarity about the specific site in question.

In response, staff have created a Draft Master Plan, outlining the management approach and clearly defining the area.

At Thursday’s ordinary Council meeting, Cr Adam Roberts moved to endorse the Council-designed ‘Draft Camden Head Master Plan’ for public exhibition and feedback, and to include the proposed ‘Draft Staged Concept Design’.

This design includes four development stages, such as new picnic tables, paths connecting to the existing boardwalk, infill planting, and formalising the car park.

Mayor Peta Pinson seconded the amendment, including a petition with 326 signatures that Council had not previously seen.

“This is a long time coming and we are almost there,” the Mayor said, thanking the community for their input and patience.

Cr Lisa Intemann highlighted the significant community angst over the issue and urged respectful dialogue.

She cautioned against taking promises at face value due to regulatory complexities.

The Draft Master Plan and the Draft Staged Concept Design will be open for public exhibition and feedback.

Council will provide a report on the community engagement outcomes and a proposed way forward at the July 2024 ordinary meeting.


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