Council passed a rescission motion to allow development of an aged care



Dear News Of The Area,

Congratulations to those few councillors who stuck by their original votes two weeks ago, to support the decision to not allow housing development in Boomerang Park. Last week, Council passed a rescission motion to allow the way for the development of an aged care/nursing home/homeless development facility (whatever!) in place of the original “over 50s” housing plan, which was defeated two weeks ago.

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The Mayor, who originally was so supportive for the retaining of the park without a housing development, turned 180 degrees by voting twice in favour of the recession motion, due to a tied vote result.

No wonder the community has little faith in this Council’s decision making process, when the community is not listened to, or respected.

The decision on the development will now go to a community sub-committee (representatives elected by the Council) for advice, so that they can fulfil the obligations for “conducting community consultation” as required by the NSW Department of Planning prior to the land being rezoned for development to proceed. We all are aware of what the outcome of this committee decision will be, however it would be amazing if we were proven wrong.

It is so disappointing and disrespectful, that after so many years of fighting development on the park, the community is expected to accept a similar dwelling development (under another name) to be built in Boomerang Park.

Development is always Development – the park belongs to the people, not to greedy, power hungry developers and their appointed puppets on the Council.

It is important that the community of Raymond Terrace knows what is going on in their town.

Suzie Worth
Raymond Terrace

2 thoughts on “Council passed a rescission motion to allow development of an aged care

  1. Well said, Suzie Worth. This Council is the deafest there is when it comes to real community consultation. Shame on them.

  2. We think that this is absolutely disgusting. Leave our park alone . Let them develope somewhere else


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