Dress For Success: Bulahdelah school students build strategies for job interview success

Abigail Smith (Year 10).

A SMALL group of Year 10 and 11 girls from Bulahdelah Central School (BCS) recently attended a workshop in Newcastle called Dress For Success.

The program offers a range of strategies for preparing for a job interview.

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“Stylists had some great tips for the girls with hair and makeup techniques and advised them on how to choose a suitable outfit for a formal job interview,” said BCS Year Advisor Linda Drenkhahn.

“The girls got to keep their outfits for when they need them for a real job interview.

“As you can see from the photos, I think you will agree that the girls really gained some self-confidence from the experience,” Linda said.

Dress For Success is a not-for-profit organisation that supports and empowers women to help find employment through gaining confidence in a supportive and confidential environment.

Anyone can book a one-on-one appointment.

If you get the job after a mentoring session, you can return for a follow up appointment and take home a personally styled mix and match wardrobe for a whole week at work!

“Very often these women are re-entering the workforce as victims of domestic violence, after taking extended periods of time out of the workforce to raise a family, have experienced homelessness, have done time in jail or rehab,” said Linda.

If you know anyone who may benefit from this program, details are available on sydney.dressforsuccess.org.

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