Facebook Live event for Nelson Bay Road upgrade

Community members are invited to join the online Q and A.


TRANSPORT for NSW will host a Facebook Live event next week to consult the community about the proposed route options for Nelson Bay Road.

Community members are invited to log into the online Q&A event on Tuesday 24 November from 4pm to 4.45pm via this link: https://www.facebook.com/events/3506596419454197/.

Click on “Going” in the Event box near the top of the NSW Roads page and a live video feed will open up on the timeline when the session starts.

Those attending can write questions and comments in the discussion area beneath the video feed while the live stream is taking place.

Members of the project team from Transport for NSW will aim to answer as many questions as they can during the event.

The community has until Friday 27 November to have their say on the possible route options for the project.

More information on the project can be found at nswroads.work/nelsonbayroad.

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