Florence Humphreys Wildflower Art Exhibition at the Hunter Botanic Gardens

Florence at the home in Raymond Terrace, with some of her art for the exhibition.
Florence at the home in Raymond Terrace, with some of her art for the exhibition.


FLORENCE Humphreys is a woman of many talents.

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Not only a keen gardener, with garden clubs visiting her home to peruse her collections, Florence is also a talented painter of a number of different styles and mediums.

Every wall in Florence’s home is adorned with her artwork, each piece telling a different, special story that Florence rejoices in sharing with visitors.

Following on from the success of her art show in the Hunter Botanical Gardens last year, Florence is back this year with another showing of her beautiful works.

Florence has been drawing most of her life, but began painting in earnest in her thirties, which Florence told News Of The Area, “Was a hobby that quickly got out out hand.”

Florence added, “I’m excited to have this new exhibition and show people what I have been up to this year.”

“I would love to see some new faces come along to the gardens, take a look at my art and enjoy a morning tea from the cafe or a stroll through the gardens while they are there.”

Whilst Florence’s art exhibition is largely the stunning wildflowers that she has become known for as an artist, her showing will also include some pieces up for sale in styles that followers of Florence’s work may not have seen before.

One such piece of work, a painting of Florence’s great grandmother ‘Granny Bowd’ is a striking art piece that truly shows Florence’s versatility.

The community can visit Florence’s exhibition, with free entry, at the Hunter Region Botanic Gardens on the Pacific Highway at Heatherbrae.

The exhibition will run from 1-30 November.


By Rachael VAUGHAN


Florence Humphreys at her home in her studio with some of her art pieces.
Florence Humphreys at her home in her studio with some of her art pieces.

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