Generosity and donations just keep going from Karuah township

Sue Smith, Jenny Semple, Alice. (Front row): Hazel Wheeler and Loraine Pevitt.


THERE is absolutely no doubt about the generosity in our area and this story focuses on a group of volunteers who run The Centre at Karuah and who were instrumental, earlier this year, in the collection and delivery of children’s books which were given to schools Narrabri, North West, New South Wales.

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Since that time, other deliveries have included blankets, warm clothes donated by the Nabiac Op Shop and Karuah Op Shop as well as lamb jumpers and loads of beanies, all knitted by the ladies in the Knitters Group at The Centre.

Donations are required again and this time it is not books but non-perishable food items as well as cleaning products for dishes, clothes or for personal hygiene.

Co-ordinator, Hazel Wheeler, told News Of The Area, “As you know the whole area out west is suffering a major drought with very little farming being done and families experiencing homelessness and hunger.

“Some whole families are sleeping outside under dead trees and these people are our Aussie brothers and sisters and we should try our best to help in some way,” said Hazel.

Once the donations come in to The Centre, out of the goodness of their hearts, Hazel and her husband Les, will load up their truck with all the goods and take the seven hour drive to Narrabri and return whilst at the same time pay for their own expenses for travel.

On arrival at Narrabri, the non-perishable food items will be delivered to the St Vincent de Paul outlet who will then distribute to the needy people in the area.

Another stop is at Moree where the goods are dropped at Moree LightHouse Care where residents can come to the centre every Thursday to collect food and other goods.

Hazel also said, “Les and I are very happy that we are in a position to be able to do these trips but it still is not enough.”

So, if you are able to help, please drop off your goods at The Centre, Karuah or if you would like to speak with Hazel, her contact number is 0428 814 246.




Sue Smith, Jenny Semple and Hazel Wheeler.

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