GoFundMe launched for Utungun farmer Mick Green after motorbike accident

Mick Green receives attention from paramedics immediately after his motorbike accident.


LOCAL Utungun farmer Mick Green is recovering in hospital having spent three days in ICU following a motorbike accident last weekend, 27 November.

Matilda Brown, daughter of the Brown family farm owners where Mick is the manager, has launched a GoFundMe to support Mick’s family, his rehab and physio as he recovers.

“Our hope for the fundraiser is that Mick can recover without the stress of finances while he is on the mend.

“Our family is doing what they can to help the Greens in this difficult time, but Mick has a long road of recovery ahead and will be out of work for over six months,” Matilda told News Of The Area.

“Funds raised will go towards Mick’s rehab expenses and help support his wife Deb and their four children, over the course of his recovery until he can go back to work.

“Right now, he can’t even walk and anyone who knows Mick will understand what a predicament this whole situation has put him in.

“Mick is loved by many, so I know the Macksville and Nambucca community won’t think twice about helping.

“They’ve been an amazing support so far.”

Mick has incurred some serious injuries and right now he is in ICU, lucky to be alive.

“He has a bruised heart, broken collarbone, four broken ribs, four broken vertebrae and a fracture to his neck.”

This will see him out of work and out of action for six months, during which time he will spend a significant amount of time in hospital and subsequently in rehab and physio.

“Mick is not a reckless man, he loves riding his bike and is a very experienced rider, winning competitions and using it every day to round up cattle and do his job.

“This was not an accident that happened at work so he will not receive workers comp and Deb will not only need to care for her four children but also help support Mick through his recovery.

“They will have very little money coming in which is why I have asked Deb if she would let me help her with some of the financial burden by creating a GoFundMe page.

“Mick is a proud man, and we could possibly be in his bad books when he realises we have done this without his permission but I’m willing to take that risk because he is the kind of guy who wouldn’t hesitate to lend a hand or help someone in need.”

See the GoFundMe at https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-support-farmer-mick-and-his-family.




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