Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association Update for July – August 2022

The next General Meeting is 6.30pm on Monday 10 October 2022 at the Hawks Nest Community SIDE Hall – Councillor Paul Sandilands will be attending and speaking.


A QUICK wrap up on what your Progress Association has been doing these eight weeks.

Wednesday, August 18 was Vietnam Veterans Day.

I would like to join our community in saying “Thank you for your service” to all Vietnam Veterans and Peacekeepers.

Following on from our successful Senior’s Week celebrations, we were invited directly to re-submit a request for a (bigger) grant for next year’s Senior’s Week.

This is exciting and we have commenced planning for the festival to be held on Saturday 11 February 2023.

There will be a change of venue due to the much-anticipated upgrade of the Hawks Nest Community Hall area, so stay posted.

The theme is “Let’s Celebrate” and will include some market stalls as well as showcasing all our great community groups with live music and shows.

The Progress Association has applied for a grant for $120,000 to replace the grass netball court at the Tea Gardens Skate Park with a modern hard surface court.

The grant also has provision for other upgrades at the park.

We are also working with MCC and relevant suppliers to finalise the location and construct of the previously approved external gym stations at Providence Bay, Hawks Nest.

This will also be subject to a separate grant.

Both are significant grants and if we are unsuccessful in the first rounds, the Management Committee team will refine and continue to re-submit until we have progress.

The Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Art Walk Group have formally requested to come under the auspices of the Progress Association.

This was approved at our July Committee Meeting and the Art Walk Group is now a permanent sub-committee of the Progress Association.

This is a great development in terms of sharing ideas and accessing volunteers.

MCC have advised that the upgrades to the Hawks Nest Community Hall and the Singing Bridge boat ramp have been delayed and are unlikely to be completed until early next year.

Be assured that the Association regularly requests the MCC for updates and raises a range of concerns.

These concerns and other local needs are being documented in our draft Local Community Plan – our strategic blueprint which once finalised will be presented to relevant government representatives to drive action and accountability at all levels.

Council has approved the Lions Club project to paint Pelican murals on the toilets in the Lions Park.

The murals were endorsed by the local community via a Facebook poll and after consultation with the local Aboriginal Reference Group. Congratulations to all involved.

August is our membership drive month, so please join or renew membership as soon as possible.

Membership forms can be found on our Facebook page or our website www.hntgprogressassociation.com.

Membership is just $15 and numbers really matter when we engage with the Government or apply for grants so please sign up.

Our next General Meeting is scheduled for Monday 10 October 2022 and Councillor Paul Sandilands will be attending.

Since being elected last year, Paul has been a strong advocate in Council for our community so please come along to hear what Paul has to say and share your concerns.

Best news for last!

We are hosting our first Masquerade Comedy and Music night at the Hawks Nest Community Hall on 22 October 2022 from 6pm.

This will be a great evening and our first fundraiser since COVID, also benefiting other local service groups.

It is also sponsored by a number of local businesses and more are invited if interested.

There will be fun entertainment by our great locals, Mungo Jack and Greg Hayes, as well as raffles, prizes and lucky door winners.

Please show your support and join the community for a fun evening – tickets are only $25 available online at or call 0434 151 375.

By Bruce MURRAY, President, Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association

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