Heart to Heart program inspires local students

BCS Careers Advisor Linda Drenkhahn and master artist Jade Holborow, with Salome Reitsma, Scarlet Ray, Bethany Hestelow, Tyeisha Cook, Alliera Wolfram, Franky Leahy, Emily Megson, Claire Tufrey and Michelle Leigh-Gray.

HEART TO HEART is an art based program that offers the participant a window into the power of creativity, mindfulness and connection to others.

Through a carefully structured program the participants are taken on a journey to connect with their spirit whilst learning the skills of creating a masterpiece.

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A group of Bulahdelah Central School (BCS) Stage 4 girls were invited to participate in this year’s program, run by master artist Jade Holbrow and Michelle-Leigh Gray, who guided students through the process and story of creating an Indigenous themed painting.

Linda Drenkhahn, BCS Careers Adviser, congratulated all the students who were involved in the Heart to Heart Program.

“An exhibition of their artworks was held on Tuesday, where family, friends and teachers were invited to join in the celebrations,” Linda said.

“A special thank you to master artist Jade Holborow and Heart to Heart founder Donna Rankin for joining us and leading the students through their Heart to Heart journey.

“Students were given their paintbrush, a set of Mindful Activity Cards and some other special gifts.

“They were also given their original canvas to take home as a reminder of how much they learnt from the program,” Linda said.

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