Helping and learning with Bellingen CWA

DESPITE Covid Bellingen Country Women’s Association members have been busy helping others, particularly flood victims, enjoying each other’s company at craft days, learning about environmental issues, discussing the accommodation crisis and keeping the rooms in good order for the community and health groups that use them.

A couple of highlights have been making and sending knitted and crocheted rugs to Lismore for the flood appeal and helping buy a washing machine for a preschool in the Northern Rivers that can also be used by the community.

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Bellingen women also attended the annual CWA State Conference at which 100 years of CWA NSW was celebrated.

Besides making craft items for the Sydney Royal Easter Show bags, raising funds from street stalls and mask sales, Bellingen CWA has also sent donations to the Tongan Appeal and State Disaster Fund.

One president, Kaye Guinness, won second place in the State handicraft competition for a lap quilt.

Each year CWA members focus on learning about specific topics. This year our flora focus is the Banksia, our fauna species is the Australasian Bittern and our Agricultural Foe is the Black Willow.

Annually the association singles out a country on which to focus. This year Latvia has been selected.

On the first Monday of each month Bellingen CWA meets at 9.30am, all are welcome.

Also, Bellingen CWA invites people to its International Day on Friday 12 August, at which a Latvian lunch will be served as people learn about the people, history, and crafts of the country.

The event begins at 10.30am at the CWA rooms on Church St, cost is $15, with morning tea and lunch provided.

Phone Iris Goldstein 6655 1231 or email: by 9 August if you’re interested.

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