Housing crisis solutions shared in documentary showing at Sawtell cinema

House-sharer Angela Martin, Acting CEO of Lifeline Mid North Coast, is a participant in the ‘Our Spaces’ documentary.

‘OUR Spaces: A short film about the sharing revolution happening in our homes’, created by the Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast (RDAMNC), will be showing at Sawtell Majestic Cinema on Tuesday, 13 December.

Focusing on solutions to the housing crisis, the documentary shares the experiences of locals on the Mid North Coast who are creating different styles of shared living.

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“We held the first screening of the film at Port Macquarie in August, and it was a fantastic event, generating some great conversations,” said Kerry Grace, CEO of RDAMNC.

“We’ve had so many requests from people who live around Coffs Harbour who were unable to get to Port Macquarie, that we’ve decided to host a second screening at Sawtell Majestic Cinemas.”

RDAMNC has nominated Lifeline North Coast to receive the profits from the film screening.

Lifeline is on the frontline of mental health on the Mid North Coast and across Australia and have seen firsthand the housing crisis and its effects on mental health.

“This is an insider’s look at how we as individuals can make a direct impact on the housing crisis,” Angela Martin, Acting CEO of Lifeline Mid North Coast told News Of The Area.

“Sharing real-life stories, this documentary presents the positive aspects of opening our homes and as a community we can ease the crisis.

“We are effectively taking the matter into our own hands and the proof is in the connections.

“I love this film as it keeps it real on how the average family can think of how they can open their hearts and homes to others; it’s great for connection with others, it helps financially and it can be short term, long term basic or advanced in terms of the agreement,” Angela said.

Kerry Grace said affordable housing is a significant problem, not just on the Mid North Coast, but all over the country.

“There is not just one solution for this problem, but we know this: Australia has thirteen million spare bedrooms, and that number is growing each year.”

Just on the Mid North Coast alone there is an estimated 81,000 spare bedrooms.

“Here at RDAMNC, we asked ourselves the question: what resources do we as a region have, right now, to help solve this thorny problem?

“To help answer this question, we have created a film with well-known filmmaker Peter Clarke, to showcase the quiet revolution happening in peoples’ homes across the region, as those who have the space and the means open their homes to others, with sometimes life-changing results.

Our Spaces is a film featuring seven Mid North Coast households who are sharing their living spaces in different ways.

The event will include pre-movie canapes and a glass of bubbles, the screening of Our Spaces and a panel on housing all in the comfort of Majestic Cinemas in Sawtell.

For more information call Majestic Cinema in Sawtell on (02) 5621 8101.


Mitra Husseini who took shared space in Angela Martin’s home.

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