Huge turnout for the prestigious Port Stephens Accommodation Ladies Golf Classic

Jay Fountain (Russell Vale), Kay Costello (Russell Vale), Carolyn Woods (Russell Vale), Tamie Takatsu (Nelson Bay).
Jay Fountain (Russell Vale), Kay Costello (Russell Vale), Carolyn Woods (Russell Vale), Tamie Takatsu (Nelson Bay).


OVER 200 ladies registered for the prestigious Port Stephens Accommodation Ladies Golf Classic at Nelson Bay Golf Club.

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Players from 28 clubs came from as far afield as Surfers Paradise and Canberra.

The new clubhouse and the beautiful bush vista combined to make the event a drawcard for visitors and locals alike.

The ladies even managed to play a round with the golfing green’s familiar kangaroos.

The renowned Frost Dynasty were a force to be reckoned with.

“The Frost ladies were successful this week with Jenny Frost taking runner up in the 36 hole scratch event, beaten by one stroke by Newcastle’s Jenny Thompson who came in with 170,” Karen Flatt, Ladies Captain told News Of The Area.

“Jenny also won Monday’s 18 hole scratch with 82,” she said.

“Sister, Barbara Frost took third place in 36 hole nett with 149 plus Tuesday’s nett third in the 18 hole comp with 73c/b.”
“Mum, Joan Frost, 83, was not to be outdone and won the 18 hole nett on Tuesday with 72 c/b. Third sister Robyn from Merewether featured in the winning team on Thursday,” Karen added.

It was also a lucky tournament for the Bay’s Elsie Flanagan.

“Nelson Bay member Elsie Flanagan just couldn’t stop winning,” Karen told News Of The Area.

“[She was the] 36 hole second division scratch winner with 193 plus Tuesday’s 18 hole scratch winner with 90,” she said.

“She also took the Vets (60 +) prize awarded for the best score across the field and then topped it off with lucky wins in both the 100 club prize draw and then the raffle.”

Other notable scores in division two on Monday were scratch winner Robyn Butler with 92, and nett winner Robyn Hemberg with 66, both from Nelson Bay.

On Tuesday, Rae Upton, another local, won the first division 18 hole scratch with an excellent 84.

The Nelson Bay Ladies Golf Classic started some 20 years ago.

Registrations for Monday and Tuesday were 173 and 180 respectively, with 210 registered for Thursday’s ‘teams’ event.

Ladies with handicaps of 16 and under have points awarded to both the NSW’s Jean Derrin Trophy and also the Newcastle District’s Beryl Tobin Trophy.




Val Wilson (Long Reef), Julie Ann Taylor (Nelson Bay), Jenni Berry (Bayview).
Val Wilson (Long Reef), Julie Ann Taylor (Nelson Bay), Jenni Berry (Bayview).


Pam MacDonald (Castle Hill), Lynda Stuart (Pacific Dunes), Janelle Tolhurst (Nelson Bay), Sue Campbell (North Ryde).
Pam MacDonald (Castle Hill), Lynda Stuart (Pacific Dunes), Janelle Tolhurst (Nelson Bay), Sue Campbell (North Ryde).


Barbara Clark (Nelson Bay), Robyn Butler (Nelson Bay), Sally Gordon (Duntryleague). Photos provided
Barbara Clark (Nelson Bay), Robyn Butler (Nelson Bay), Sally Gordon (Duntryleague). Photos provided


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