Irrawang Public School receive assistance to build special garden

This special garden has provided a quiet play space for a variety of students.
This special garden has provided a quiet play space for a variety of students.


IRRAWANG Public School have a special new area in their school they have affectionately called ‘Kiwanis Corner’.

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This area was originally designed for children with special needs to use at any time of day and is now widely utilised as a space that any student can access at lunch or recess time.

School Principal Stacy Mathieson told News Of The Area, “The name comes from the support we receive from a local charity call the Kiwanis Club of East Maitland.”

“Recently, the Kiwanis sent in a team of workers to revamp our sensory garden, which is one of the highlights of this space.”

The Kiwanis Club also provide ongoing maintenance to this area, and have a number of new projects in the pipeline, including vegetable gardens, water tanks and additional storage.

Saraha, a year 4 student says, “Kiwanis Corner is awesome because my friend’s come here and we play great games like what’s the time Mr. wolf?, duck, duck goose and I love playing shops in our toy kitchen.”

Mrs Mathieson said, “We hope to start using the vegetable patch next year as part of our cooking program that is run through the special education programs each week.”

“Students that come to this area enjoy helping water and maintain the garden, playing games with the staff, and set up activities that are both fun and cater for all students from kindergarten up to Year 6.”

“There are also two of our STAR leaders on duty, who are helpful Stage 3 students, to manage some of the activities and to ensure equipment is put away safely at the end of each day.”

School Learning and Support Officer, Toni Carroll said, “Kiwanis Corner has been a wonderful addition to our school playground as it gives a variety of students an alternative to the other busy playground areas.”

“It has promoted friendship to a number of students who prefer a quieter form of play.”

Kiwanis Corner has been a very successful playground alternative this year, and the school is looking forward to making it bigger and better next year.


By Rachael VAUGHAN


Kiwanis Corner at Irrawang Public School has been a great play alternative for students.
Kiwanis Corner at Irrawang Public School has been a great play alternative for students.


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