Jetty Foreshores Survey Results Out

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh shared key points of the survey results.

THE NSW Government yesterday released two reports detailing outcomes from community consultation on the draft
masterplan for Coffs Harbour’s Jetty Foreshores.

The survey reports outline shops and cafes as the most supported uses to create an active foreshore with 73 percent
of those responding to the survey in favour, followed by the Jetty Hub, an activity area adjacent to the Coffs Harbour
train station which received 68 per cent support.

Talking to the media at 11am on the morning of the survey results going live on the website, Member for Coffs
Harbour Gurmesh Singh shared key points of the survey results.
Acknowledging the divided opinions of the community about how much development was appropriate on the
foreshore, he said overall more people were in support than opposed.

“In a few years time Coffs Harbour will be a bypass city and it’s important for our city to move forward and that we
have revitalised the areas not only for residents but to ensure our tourism industry has a great waterfront to take
advantage of the growing tourism sector here on the Mid North Coast,” said Mr Singh.

“To that end, three years ago a process was started with the State Government to rejuvenate and revitalise the Jetty
Foreshores precinct.”

As part of that project a survey was completed in May and June (2022), the results of which were made public at

The survey received 3680 responses.

There are around 80,000 residents in Coffs Harbour.

“Additionally an extensive community consultation was done through pop-ups in the community, 13,000 postcards
were sent to residents of Coffs Harbour, and the website had 16,000 unique views, so a huge amount of engagement was made during that time,” said Mr Singh.

“Key highlights of that data are that in general more people were supportive of each of the development proposals
than opposing.

“In the marine area nearly all the proposals were overwhelmingly supported.

“70 percent of people were supportive of development and proposals for the Deep Sea Fishing Club area and about
seventy percent of people were supportive of the Jetty Hub.

“There was very strong support for increased parking, open spaces and landscaped areas.

“The report is very detailed and goes through each of the survey questions, one by one, and gives the response to
those questions from strongly opposed to strongly agree and everywhere in between.

“I would encourage residents to go to the website and read the survey.”

Mayor Paul Amos, speaking on behalf of the City Of Coffs Harbour (COCH), told News Of The Area, “The results of
the survey are what I expected but very disappointing.

“I have been the biggest opponent of the process so far; I think the process was flawed right from the start.

“After the first round of consultation we had the results published in a paper, but what was presented to the public (by the State Gov) bore no resemblance to the results.

“None whatsoever.

“So then we go to the next step, where we’ve got a proposal that was not endorsed in the first place put back to the
public in the form of the latest survey, which doesn’t seem to include all the details and feedback given by the
community at the pop-ups with the ambassadors.

“Another flaw is that people can fill out the survey response more than once; and there are groups who’ve taken out
paid-for advertising to encourage like-minded people to participate.

“I indicated very early in the piece that the results of the survey would not be an accurate reflection of what the people of Coffs Harbour want.

“The process as it stands is ultimately about the four hectares of land, Jetty Foreshores, rezoned for commercial

“I think that land can be used in a better way for the greater good of the people and the long-term requirements of our
community,” closed Mr Amos.

The NSW Government engaged two third party specialists to conduct that survey; Ethos Urban and Murawin,
representing the Traditional Owners of the land.

Speaking on RUOK? Day, Mr Singh encouraged people to have their debates about this issue respectfully and to
respect the views and opinions of everybody else who have taken part in this survey.

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