Jonny Woods strode through Coffs Harbour on his Byron to Sydney Big Walk for Cancer Council

Jonathan at Woolgoolga on his Big Walk to Sydney in the name of raising money for cancer research and support.

WALKING 900 kilometres from Byron to Sydney, Jonathan Woods is on a mission to raise $5,000 for the Cancer Council.

He’s chosen a coastal route and is traversing beaches he describes as “undiscovered gems”.

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News Of The Area met up with Jonathan on Look At Me Headland as he passed through Coffs Harbour.

He’s already halfway to his fundraising target, having reached just over $2,500 in donations.

Jonathan said he was enjoying the eye opening experiences the trek is providing.

“I keep coming across unpopulated, ‘secret’ beaches that no one knows about and can’t wait to bring my family back to experience,” Jonathan told NOTA.

It is all a journey of discovery for the 60-year-old Byron Shire Council staff member, as he steps out solo everyday on to another seaside or headland hike.

“Our family has been impacted by cancer; family members and friends,” Jonathan explained.

“I like that Cancer Council keeps it local and has a broad-brush approach across all forms of cancer and funds can be distributed where the greatest needs are.”

Jonathan is tackling the kilometres in an unusual style that allows him total independence.

“For each leg I drive to where I want to end up that day, walk back to a starting point around ten kilometres back and then retrace my steps to the car.

“That way I only need to carry the food and drinks to sustain my walk, and my overnight camping gear can stay in the car,” he said.

Along with five litres of water, protein bars, fruit and vegetables and sunscreen he carries a small inflatable raft in case he hits a creek at high ride and needs to paddle over, but the tent and his kit are car-bound until it’s time to rest for the night.

Passing through Coffs, Jonathan had the offer of a bed for the night.

“My boss at Byron Council was brought up in Coffs Harbour where his parents are still living; I’m staying over at their farm here.”

So far his day walks have been uneventful, but continually provide a connection with nature in all its beauty from dawn ‘til dusk.

However, dumped plastic abounds along some stretches of the coast.

“I pick up plastic along the way.

“There’s lots washed up onto the beaches and in creeks, and I add it to the piles I have found which have been created by others for the local councils to pick up.”

He is enjoying the journey, focusing on the beautiful sights he sees every day and is looking forward to finishing his journey on Tuesday 5 December, when he plans to reach Sydney, where he will celebrate with family and friends.

With around one in two Australians diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, Jonathan is asking the local community to support his Big Walk to Sydney.

To donate, visit–s-walk-to-sydney.

All monies raised will go directly to the Cancer Council NSW for much needed research, information and support for people affected by cancer.

Follow his journey on Instagram @byronjonny1.


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