Kathie Rimmer takes the cake

Ingrid Luck, Minor Singles Runner Up and Elizabeth Kelly winner Minor Singles 2017. (left) Kathie Rimmer "cutting the cake".(right)
Ingrid Luck, Minor Singles Runner Up and Elizabeth Kelly winner Minor Singles 2017. (left)
Kathie Rimmer “cutting the cake”.(right)


Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club

TUESDAY 19 September: Social bowls played three games of Triples and a game of Fours with Bette Saillard playing “swinger” lead, plus the Semi Final of the Club Championship Minor Singles to be contested.

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Results for social bowls were Bev Rhodes, Jill McBride and Wendy Jones 11 v Jean Glover, Lily Smith and Lynda Richards 19.

Bette Saillard, Francis Betar, Kerry Faber and Nola Jackson 24 v Bette Saillard, Dawn Jones, Carolyn Bywater and Carol Hayden 12.

Jo Ehrlich, Dianne Kiss and Dale Winter 13 v Bev Dunn, Pam Gilchrist and Wendy Brand 24.

Jan Kuzmic Beverley Thrift and Robyn Webster 19 v Dawn May, Verlie Gray and Jo Younghusband 16.

Winners of the day with the lowest winning score were Jan Kuzmic, Beverley Thrift and Robyn Webster.

Great bowling by the competitors in the Minor Singles, the final score never depicts the true contest.

On Rink 2 Sheril Johnson v Ingrid Luck, 22 ends played.

A very close game, on the 16th end Ingrid lead by 1 shot, over the next 6 ends she gained 11 shots.

Final score Ingrid 25 v Sheril 13.

Another very evenly matched game on Rink 3. Elizabeth Kelly v Jeanette Emmett battling against each other for 30 ends. End 15, score 12 all, 21st end Liz ahead 18 v 14.

Jeanette gained the lead by 1 shot by the 25th end but unfortunately she didn’t manage to add to her points for the next 5 ends.

Liz claiming victory 26 v 19. Great bowling by all competitors. Thanks, Karen McPhie for umpiring the games and the Markers Robyn Beaumont and Kayelene Pearson.

Thursday 21 September: A great day of bowling. The Final of the Club Championship Minor Singles was played, Elizabeth Kelly v Ingrid Luck.

Visiting bowlers from Lake Cathie Bowling Club joined our members for social bowls. Format for social bowls was Triples, teams randomly drawn and a combination of bowlers from both Clubs.

Wonderful to bowl “on the grass” for the social games.

Winners on the day were Ann Consentine, Fiona Brassey and Sandra Leisemann with the highest winning score.
The Final of the Minor Singles went for 21 ends.

On the 12th end the score 9 all, Liz gained the lead by 2 shots on the 13th end and never looked back.

Final result Liz 25 v Ingrid 13. A great effort by both ladies, congratulations.

Thanks to Umpire Francis Betar and Marker Robyn Webster.

A wonderful lunch was enjoyed following play thanks to our hard working Social Committee Dianne Kiss, Sheril Johnson and helper Kayelene Pearson.

Happy “0” birthday to Kathie Rimmer. Coming events RSL Pairs 28 September and Oncology Day 6 October.



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