Kindergarten sees double twins at Bulahdelah

Hundreds of students in the area returned to school last week, including 14 excited children who began their first year of school at Bulahdelah Central School.

Joseph Whitby, Wendy Grills, Lynelle Grills and Noah Whitby.
Joseph Whitby, Wendy Grills, Lynelle Grills and Noah Whitby.

For their parents, the first day can be just as exciting and nerve racking for them as it is for their children.

However, these emotions were doubled for some parents, with two sets of twins, Wendy and Lynelle Grills, and Noah and Joseph Whitby, beginning their school journey together.

As with most children starting Kindergarten, identical twins Noah and Joseph were up early on their first day, too excited to stay asleep.

Wendy and Lynelle’s parents, Rebecca and Robert, said the girls were also looking forward to the new experiences that school would bring.

“They couldn’t wait to come to school,” Rebecca said. “They will go from spending their time playing with dolls and building blocks together to sharing the same class.”

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While the girls are happy to be starting school and making friends with their classmates, they are just as excited about the more serious side of school.

“It’s going to be fun, we get to learn,” Wendy said.

Lynelle totally agrees with her sister.

Primary Deputy Principal Mrs Carol Wills, who welcomed the new students and parents, has had many years’ experience working with Kindergarten during her career.

“The best thing about teaching Kindergarten is seeing how much they absorb so quickly,” Mrs Wills said.

While starting school will bring many challenges for the children, Mrs Wills said there is a supportive staff and excellent resources to help the students with their educational journey.


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