Labor announces candidate for Page in Federal Election

Patrick Deegan will be Labor’s candidate for Page at the upcoming federal election.


THE Australian Labor Party has announced Patrick Deegan will be Labor’s candidate for Page at the upcoming federal election.

Mr Deegan is a social welfare professional who has dedicated his life to helping others, he has held management positions in the State Government and the community sector.

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He has extensive experience in administrative and financial management, and was Labor’s candidate for Page in the 2019 Federal election.

“I’m excited to running for Page, and determined to give our region the voice in Canberra that it desperately needs,” Mr Deegan said.

“When people see my name on the ballot paper, they’ll know what they‘re getting: a candidate who understands them, who will fight for them, and who they can trust.”

Mr Deegan said, “People across Northern NSW had faced incredible challenges over the past three years, including devastating bushfires, floods, and now the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As we continue to recover from these natural disasters and prepare to move out of the pandemic, we also need to look ahead and rebuild for the future,” Mr Deegan said.

“That’s why we can’t afford to continue muddling through with a ‘business as usual’ approach.

“The world is changing, and now – more than ever- we need leadership and courage from our politicians.

“For example, the pandemic has increased the exodus of people looking to move from the cities to the regions – leading to soaring rental and house prices.

“Many people who have never experienced homelessness and housing insecurity are now facing a crisis.”

“One of my priorities will be to ensure all levels of Government, service providers and stakeholders to come together to find workable local solutions.”

Mr Deegan said, “The Page electorate had been neglected by the Liberal-National Party Government for the past eight years.

“We’ve seen funding cuts to schools, TAFE and Southern Cross University. Medicare is under attack, and working families and businesses are struggling.

“People gave Kevin Hogan the benefit of the doubt at the last election when he claimed to be moving to the ‘cross-bench’ in order to distance himself from the Morrison Government, but he can only pull that stunt once.”

“This time, Mr Hogan is the Assistant Minister to Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.

“The fact is that a vote for Kevin Hogan is a vote for Barnaby Joyce, Peter Dutton, Christian Porter and Scott Morrison.”

“Australia needs a new Federal Government, and I will be giving it everything to ensure that the people of Page have a strong and effective voice in the next national Parliament.”

6 thoughts on “Labor announces candidate for Page in Federal Election

  1. Hi. Would love to talk to Patrick about our homeless crisis with my proposal for a much needed homeless shelter in Coffs Harbour. I have had experience with a similar project in Bathurst that was successful.

  2. I would like to know Mr deegans thoughts on allowing pensioners to work without sacrificing their pension but paying tax on the earnings? What efforts are likely to be made to enable nz immigrants to gain Australian citizenship? What measures are intended to boost manufacturing and adding value to raw materials prior to exporting them. Thanks, Graham Gilliver. Casino.

  3. Great work in airing unrealistic aspirations , could you supply more information on the candidate’s past employment and life and background any highlights.
    I’ve never heard of him.
    Please detail what you will do for us that will be different from now.
    How you will achieve this and a time frame.

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