Large users embrace saving water and money

Nirmal Joy, Water Resilience Officer.

DOZENS of large water users across the region have saved thousands of dollars on their water bills, thanks to a joint initiative with MidCoast Council.

Working with Council’s water resilience officers, around 40 large users have installed smart water meters at their properties to closely monitor their water use.

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A smart water meter is an easily installed digital device that provides real-time updates on a property’s water use, making it a highly effective tool for identifying leaks and other forms of water wastage.

Council’s Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Rob Scott, said while the technology had been invaluable in helping large users save water, it was only part of the story.

“What’s been fantastic is the relationships that have developed between our water resilience officers and these large users,” said Mr Scott.

“Our officers have been there to support them throughout their journeys, helping them to understand the data and identify opportunities to save water and money.

“As a result, these users have really embraced the environmental and financial benefits of saving water and become advocates for others in the community to do the same.”

Mr Scott said the initiative had involved people from across a range of industries, including schools, dairy farms, holiday parks and other commercial enterprises.

Since its inception just over twelve months ago, the initiative has helped save 169 million litres of water, which equates to more than eight days of water supply for the entire region.

Mr Scott said these kinds of savings would be hugely important the next time the region encountered a water shortage.

“The more we can conserve water, the longer we can delay moving into tighter water restrictions during a drought.

“That’s why we want more large users to get in touch with us and see if they’re eligible to be a part of the initiative.

“It’s a free service and it benefits the whole community.”

To help organisations understand what’s involved, Council has put together a video talking to some of the large users who have benefitted from the initiative.

Check it out at

If you would like to find out if your organisation is eligible, contact Council’s water resilience officers at

Long term plans to expand the use of smart meters to residential customers are also in place, with Council currently trialling the technology on homes and businesses in Stroud Road.

“Ultimately, we’ll have smart meters on virtually every water service so we can provide customers with real-time information on their water use and help identify leaks,” said Mr Scott.

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