Letter to the Editor: Bring your fold-up bed to the emergency room

DEAR News Of The Area,

FRESH off the press for all voters.

Recently at 10:05 pm I went to the emergency room of our local hospital.

I was finally given a bed and seen by the medical team at 9:45 am.

I spent close to twelve hours sitting in the emergency waiting room, while the doctors and health staff ran tests. “

Yes, twelve hours sitting in a chair when I had a fever, irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure and chest pain symptoms, and more concerning issues.

I don’t want people to misunderstand.

I felt for the nursing and medical staff and they are doing their very best under extreme financial and resource constraints.

They were just as upset and overwhelmed as I was.

They are not the foes here.

The primary targets of my frustration are the top executives of our medical facilities, who may not be prioritising the needs of their patients.

Just like the chief executives of Qantas and Woolworths, who receive generous pay and bonuses, it seems that the public is beginning to question whether their attention is truly on enhancing customer satisfaction and the user experience.

One thing that came out of this experience: make sure you’re prepared for the unexpected by bringing your fold-up bed to Emergency Coffs Harbour Hospital.

Don’t risk spending nearly twelve hours in the middle of the night sitting in a chair like I did.

Show the hospital administrators that we won’t stand for subpar treatment.

Coffs Harbour.

One thought on “Letter to the Editor: Bring your fold-up bed to the emergency room

  1. This is so sad and traumatic. I have great sympathy for the poor “really” sick people who “don’t” order an ambulance like they order a pizza delivery service, and for the doctors and nurses. It is very frightening and we should all ask ourselves what we can do better, where is this going to lead!?

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