Letter to the Editor: Nuclear five times the price

DEAR News Of The Area,

IN response to Derek Musgrove opinion regarding small modular nuclear generation.

Derek, the reason nuclear sub reactors are not used for domestic generation is because they use a more enriched fuel unsuitable for domestic SMRs.

If you research your topic for five minutes you will find only five SMRs operating in the world.

There are quite a number in development but they are either abandoned or going to produce power at five times the cost of other types of generation.

Nuclear power also needs huge amounts of water for cooling so it limits their location options.

Feel free to check these facts.

Not scaremongering but why would we want to pay five times the cost for power.

The reactor in Canada is heavily subsidised by their government.

While you fact check, search how many SMRs would Australia need.

Did you know in 2023 in South Australia 80 percent of their power generation was from renewables.

Hawks Nest.

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