Letter to the Editor: Our forgotten generation

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE question being asked by many: Are we witnessing a repeat of the Whitlam era when we witnessed the introduction of the welfare era?

Wages for the elite are now spiralling out of control via a government dominated via unions.

I do welcome the recent 3.7 percent increase for our working class, $30 a week well deserved, but it is another blow to all those small businesses and enterprises already shutting shop by the thousands.

The loss of both of the above, having been the backbone of the country for so long, will have a devastating impact.

Maybe they are lacking that Uni degree, but the real skill, experience, and practical knowledge of our lowest paid is always undervalued.

It’s the elite on the top rung (e.g. public service) who produce nothing apart from misery for those that provide them all, that should be forking out for those down below.

The recent interview on A Current Affair with Bill Shorten the Minister for the NDIS, was a revelation, far exceeding what we already know about the scandalous rip offs.

But the highlight was Bill’s admittance that his speech writer costs $320,000 a year.

But even more insane was our Minister Giles’ claim that rather than ankle bracelets for convicted criminal detainees, he was monitoring them via drones, later confessing to getting it wrong.

These high profile ministers and others form a government with no insight outside their own little bubbles, and it’s us ordinaries that will pay the price.

I have just finished reading in detail ‘The Settlers Of The Never Never’ put together by John Lean.

An incredible read, recording the first hundred years of settlement of the Bellinger from Thora to Brinerville at the top end.

For myself it is just incomprehensible that those amazing men and women, plus their offspring, established all those dairy farms.

From 1880 to 1920, it was before the advent of tractors etc.

Only bullocks and horses were available for transport and heavy lifting, plus primitive hand tools and manpower and of course those unsung heroes – women power.

Imagine today raising up to fourteen kids with only the most primitive appliances to assist.

John’s book reveals that amazing community spirit which prevailed under such primitive conditions.

What a shame that today so many take their soft indulgent lifestyle as the norm.

Never a thought is given to that generation that gave them all, with so many now claiming it their God-given right.

Every day we hear millions are struggling to put food on the table.

Try and imagine the effort to put food on the table in those days.

Welfare was a distant dream.


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