Local artist seeks partner for public art installation

Artist Mark Wojcik grew up in Nelson Bay.

ARTIST Mark Wojcik has put the call out for local businesses and community organisations to partner with on the installation of a Port Stephens-based art project.

The project consists of photos taken at various locations around Port Stephens highlighting wildlife, landscapes and people, a short story detailing Mark’s changing relationship with his childhood hometown of Nelson Bay, and a map detailing the locations of each of the photos.

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“The project deals with some great themes which appeal to a wide audience – encouraging exploration in nature, nostalgia and our changing relationship with the places we grew up,” Mark told News Of The Area.

“Ideally, the project would be a permanent or semipermanent installation – perhaps at the start of a Tomaree National Park bushwalking trail, in a hotel foyer, a shopfront or external wall of a local business, or in another public space.”

Mark hopes the project will bring cultural vibrance to the area in which it is installed and encourage more visitors.

Mark Wojcik is a Newcastle-based creative working across a range of media, including film photography, books and video.

Previous projects include the ‘2hrsnorth’ group exhibition documenting the suburbs of Newcastle – shown at the Newcastle Museum, and the ‘Da-Le!’ ~ A Journey Through Latin America’ exhibition and book launch – shown at Studio 21 in Hamilton and Equium Social in Mayfield.

If you’d like to discuss this opportunity with the artist directly, please contact him via info@huskephemera.com or @husk.ephemera on Facebook or Instagram.

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