Local firies warn of extreme bushfire season

The Bulahdelah RFS crew says be ready for emergency action if bushfire strikes.

BUSHFIRE season is almost here.

With the recent rains that have brought much growth and the higher temperatures and winds that dried things out pretty quickly, we are looking at an extreme fire season over the next few months.

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A number of recent grass fires remind us of the devastating fires in our district in 2020 which was one of the worst
bushfire seasons on record.

Captain at the Bulahdelah Rural Fire Service (RFS), Rod Paar told News Of The Area, “We have already attended many grass fires, some just escapes from authorised burn offs and some suspicious.

“With changes to weather conditions, particularly when the wind picks up, there is still a bit of heat left and this can quickly reignite.”

Mr Paar said the local RFS crew don’t want people to become complacent.

“We want people to prepare for bushfires.

“Keep your property clear, keep overhanging branches away from your house, keep your gutters clean and have a plan.

“We have a lot of untouched bushland.

“There are many new people in our community who might not be bushfire aware so we are asking people to have a bushfire survival plan, know what it is and how they are going to execute it in the event of a bushfire.”

Mr Paar also stressed the importance of knowing and understanding the new bushfire rating system.

“There is a white box where there is no fire danger, then moderate, then high.

“When we do hit high all permits are suspended, then extreme and finally catastrophic.

“It’s now a national fire rating system.”

The RFS are planning some hazard reduction burns in early 2023 if the weather allows.

For further information visit www.rfs.nsw.gov.au to get more information on their bushfire survival plans and the
new rating system or contact the local RFS or the Mid Coast District on 1300 643 262.

For Bulahdelah, the local safe place is at the Showground for catastrophic events.

Ask your local RFS where your safe place is and be prepared.


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